Language: EN RU
Mon-Thu: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Fri: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Comprehensive solution of transport problems

Survey and modeling of transport systems
Development and implementation of IT solutions for transport management
Development of projects for the construction and reconstruction of transport infrastructure facilities


Survey of traffic conditions in accordance with 443-FZ. Development of traffic management projects and reconstruction of transport infrastructure. Development and implementation of intelligent traffic control systems.
Simulation of traffic management options. Proprietary software for optimization of modes of operation of traffic light objects allows to calculate both local signal plans and coordination programs for networks of arbitrary configuration. It is ideal for building systems of adaptive control of traffic light facilities of both small towns and urban agglomerations.
Design and construction of automated city parking systems (ACPS). Includes the road infrastructure and the entire hardware and software complex for monitoring and management of city paid parking. Our solution also allows private parking lots wishing to connect to the city's ATPS service to get all the benefits of the service: a single payment system for residents and visitors to the city, the means of forming flexible tariffs for various types of subscriptions, parking lot monitoring and technical support.
The introduction in urban agglomerations of digital platforms implementing the principle of DRT (Demandresponsivetransport). DRT is a form of private or public transport that organizes new routes for groups of passengers, depending on specific needs. DRT is effective for organizing transportation services in areas with low demand for passenger transportation, where regular bus service is financially unprofitable. DRT makes it possible to create and operate public transport routes according to load and travel demand.



ITS: from 2024 to 2025

In the era of digitalization, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are becoming a key tool for optimizing urban traffic, improving road safety and reducing the environmental impact of transport on the environment. ...


ITS in the competition

Penza development of an intelligent transport system (ITS) was awarded at the prestigious All-Russian competition "PROF-IT". ...


CodeInside nasli zamenu Nvidia

A Russian company has developed an IT solution for collecting and analyzing real-time traffic data based on video camera data. However, the sanctions have made their own adjustments to the future of the project. ...


The project in the final

DorProektSignal (DPS) has reached the final of the competition of projects for the road industry. The competition is held on the basis of the accelerator of the FAU "ROSDORNII". ...


Transportation service

В Москве заработал сервис перевозок по требованию «По пути». ...


Profile conference

On May 20 and 21, 2021, the VI Scientific and Practical Conference "Transport Planning and Modeling"will be held. ...

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