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Mon-Thu: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Fri: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Intelligent transport system

Intelligent transport system

Integration platform of an intelligent transport system

The platform is built on a modular principle, which allows you to build interaction with already functioning systems in your city. It is possible to implement separate modules of the system. This ideology allows you to significantly save money on the development of ITS.


Modul' administrirovaniya dostupa k Sisteme
Podsistema Svetofornogo upravleniya
PSU. Zhurnal sobytij (1)
PSU.Zhurnal sobytij (2)
MKU. Lokal'noe upravlenie
MKU. koordinirovannoe upravlenie
Modul' transportnogo prognozirovaniya i modelirovaniya
Modul' prognozirovaniya i modelirovaniya. Signal'nyj plan